Need help reaching your $62?
If you're in need of some tips for fundraising this is the page for you! Throughout the year StevensTHON will provide you with tips and opportunities to help raise money and raise awareness!
Donor Drive will be your main site for all of your fundraising needs! You can use it to register, track your goals, and send out emails.
General Tips
Here are some ways we've found to help you meet (and break) your goals!
Set your goal to a meaningful amount! We suggest $62 in honor of the 62 kids that enter a CMNH each minute
Customize your Donor Drive page with pictures, why you THON, and a miracle kids story
Post one of our Instagram Story graphics on your story and tag everyone that donates
Send a thank you note to a donor, Donor drive has these pre-written
Send emails to friends and family explaining what THON is and asking to donate, Donor Drive has pre-written ones!
Network with current/ past employers to see if they would like to become a sponsor
Post on any social media platforms with all things THON - there is no such thing as too many adorable kids on a newsfeed
Keep spare change; it adds up!
Set aside $5 a week to go towards your fundraising goal
Check out our social media graphics page for graphics to post on social media!