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Office of Disability Services

Office of Disability Services Statement

Greetings Duck Family, from the Office of Disability Services at Stevens. Since the ODS has seen the impact that Children’s Specialized Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network can make, we wanted to share a bit about why your fund-raising efforts are so important!

According to the CDC, the national rate of children identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder is 1 in 54 children. New Jersey has the highest rate of autism in the nation: 1 in 34 children, which is 3% of our children in the state. As the study’s lead investigator, Dr. Walter Zahorodny, suggests, the higher rate should not necessarily be seen as a bad thing, because it is likely due to more people knowing about autism and referring children to experts earlier, which is essential for early intervention. Early detection and intervention are key in helping a child with autism live a higher functioning life as they get older.

Both the Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation and the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, which you are helping out through your participation in StevensTHON!, serve children affected by autism and help immensely with these important early intervention efforts. So, thank you so much for your help with raising money for these great organizations, and thank you for representing our University so honorably!

Stevens is committed to ensuring equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities and an environment free from discrimination. If you have any questions about accommodations that can may help make your dining, housing, or academic experience more accessible, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Office of Disability Services via email ( or by phone (201-216-3748).

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