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Getting Started


Registering to fundraise is the first step in making a difference!

Follow the steps below:​​

  1. Follow this link to register now.

  2. Select registration as a Dancer.

  3. Make a team, Join a team, or register as an individual.  

  4. Fill in the required information.

  5. Set a goal! The suggested minimum is $62 per person, to represent the 62 children that enter a Children's Miracle Network Hospital per minute.

  6. If you would like, you may make a personal donation to your page.

  7. From this point on you can use your Donor Drive to send template emails and track your progress!

  8. The last step is to encourage friends to join StevensTHON, join your team, and start spreading the word!

StevensTHON Benefiting Children's Specialized Hospital and Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

Thank you for joining our mailing list! #FTK

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